Death, death and more death. The Neighbours "writers" seem to get annoyed with the characters just as much as we do cos they're killing them off like there's no tomorrow! (Although if that was true then they'd have got rid of Izzy a long, long, LONG time ago... and Ned, who always seems to wear the same T-shirt, and the Timminses.... and most of the characters really...)
So another one bites the dust! Alex Kinsky has gone! He's dead, a goner, kicked the bucket, sleeping with the worms etc etc... Do we care? Not really... It's shut Zeke up for one thing.
On the other hand Susan (who gets skinnier by the episode) is all vulernable to Karl's advances... although they're not so much advances as... well a shoulder to cry on... but we all know where it'll lead! I can only assume it will end in tears... as if anyone's ever happy in Neighbours (not unless death is just around the corner.)
On a lighter note, the Timminses are continuing to be annoying. The whole "Team Timmins" thing they've got going on, them all sticking together and stuff...well, hello! Two of Janelle and Kim's offspring aren't even around!!! They're God knows where!!! We've only heard them mentioned in one episode! And Kim advising Janae to get Boyd a four-leaf clover for Christmas... way to break them up Kim! "I need a perfect present for my boyfriend!" "I know, give him a leaf!" Yeah... nothing says "I love you" like a leaf...
And it's coming... that's right Psycho-Harold is on the way! For those of you who missed it, last week we got the first taste of the "creepy Harold" music, complete with Harold staring evily into the distance. In todays episode it was there again, though this time without the music. Seriously, what's with Neighbours? As if we're meant to believe that in the past 5 years Harold would have a stroke, turn dodgy, go back to his good ol' self and then turn into a psychopath. I'm sensing a recylcled storyline here.
Speaking of recycled storylines, does this sound familiar: Lyn married to Joe, Joe leaves to go and work on a farm, they split up. It should sound familiar because that too has happened twice... this time in the past 2 years. And not only that, but Ned has trouble reading, Connor had trouble reading... is it some equal opportunites thing where they have to have one character who's illiterate and now that Connor's learnt to read and stuff they have to fill his shoes?
Let's just hope the recycle the storyline of Susan slipping on spilt milk and then waking up with some form of amnesia thing where she thought she was 16. Ah, I remember how she ran away from Karl screaming... I imagine most people have that reaction to him when they first see him though.
Well that's all. Happy Neighbours watching!
Moo moo moo, I'm rhyming to you.
I don't know why
I wish
I was
The sky.
But not Sky from neighbours, that'd be wrong. Did you notice that whole homo-erotic thing going on between Dylan and Roo???
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