Neighbours- Dirty Linen

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Er... well, you should probably expect a sensible post soon, as we go live now to France, yes we're going live...


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

It has ocurred... the one joyous event that we have been waiting for with bated breath... the death plane!

The Lassiters' Anniversary Plane, loaded with such Neighbours favourites as Susan, Paul and David... (sorry... was having hysterical fit after having typed that... "favourites" lmao!), took off in yesterday's episode. However, unknown to its ever-so-happy passengers, there was a bomb on board! Shock horror!

Anyways, it todays episode the bomb exploded! The pilots desperately struggled to control the plane (although actually they seemed very calm about the whole thing and didnt seem to do much...) Everyone was saying their goodbyes. Sky was looking on the brightside cos she was gonna be able to see her Mum... but everyone thought they were gonna die (whatever happened to optimisim?) Well I can understand why they thought that. It was all very scary. The lights kept flicking on and off! And, it gets worse! The plane was wobbling! YES! Wobbling!!! That's a sure sign of impending death!

Neighbours are obviously strapped for cash as there was no actual crash scene. We cut from everyone wobbling in the plane to dark water with a bit of plane sticking out of it... I think we're supposed to believe it's the sea. However, it was obviously just a swimming pool with the lights switched out and all the cast just thrashing around.

Anyway, things are gonna get better in tomorrow's episode, with people dying and such!

Till then, mon petit pois!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Neighbours has become more and more stupid... I mean, I know it's never had proper story-lines or proper characters or proper anything really, but it has plunged further into the depths of ridiculousness...

Most episodes seem to revolve around the Timminseseses... why? Why, would you devote so much screen time to them? They're ANNOYING.

Janelle is being a scrounging cow again and worming her way back into Lyn's house (although Lyn does deserve some form of punishment for her incredibly squeaky voice and manic hair), Janae loves Boyd, he loves her, but both of them are too scared to say something (who gives a toss?), Dylan was forced to rob a shop and now Scott is terrified that he'll get caught (again, who gives a toss? Throw the whole lot of them in jail!) and Bree was having friendship problems with the Kinsky children (who are apparently the same age as they're in the same class, except girl Kinsky looks about five years older than boy Kinsky) and then Bree was comforting Susan, who found out that her love (man Kinsky) was dying, by going over in the middle of the night in her PJs to give her chocolates. Why was Bree wandering the streets in her PJs? I mean, I know it's not far from her bus (yeah they live in a bus) to Susan's but surely she could have put on a coat or something!

Anyway... that wasn't even the point of this post... Although Neighbours is becoming more idiotic there is some wonderful news! Those who don't want the upcoming episdoes to be spoiled LOOK AWAY NOW!!!

You know the whole Lassiter's anniversary thing and Dylan's idea of a plane? Well the plane is going to CRASH and they're all going to DIE!!! Ok... so not all of them... that's only in my dreams. But some of them are. Like annoying gerbil-face! Woo! Anyways, Eiry knows all the details so perhaps she will fill you all in.

Toodles, and till next time remember "everybody needs good neighbours!"